Legacy: People Walking in One-Point Perspective | Inktober Day 22
We follow the paths laid down by necessity and choice, until time reminds us that it is now our legacy too.
I really enjoyed drawing this one because drawing a woman in traditional apparel used to be one of my staples as a kid. Of course, then, I wouldn't make construction lines and just free-draw the whole thing as I felt like it. Sometimes, I wonder if there is any value in learning the science behind the art... hmm.
As you may have realized by now, coloring is not my strong suit. It never has been and only lately, have I started to use it in an effort to understand it. So, my original intention was to have a grungy look but just before I started using colored pencils for this piece, I changed my mind. I instead decided to leave the desert look in the background empty of color and make the characters have vibrant life-like colors instead. I think it's ended up looking like a cartoon-ish approach.
In other news, this piece was drawn in one point perspective. If you take the center of each of the heads of the adults in the artwork and draw a straight line, that's the horizon line and the vanishing point is when the horizon meets the edge of the paper to the left.
Materials used:
Uni-ball eye micro UB-150 black waterproof & fade-proof
Brustro Technical Pen 0.1 microns
Camlin Kokuyo student grade colored pencils, 24 shades.
This is also for inktober day 22 with the official prompt of 'trail'. I clearly am taking the term 'own sweet time' to new heights. LOL.
Thanks again for watching! :)
P.S. Please let me know in the comments below what you thought of it.
The Complete 31 days of The Inktober Challenge 2017 Playlist - Following the official Inktober prompt list
The Watercolor Playlist
The Perspective Matters Playlist
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