Ganesh The Warrior: Watercolor Painting
Gods need interpreters too. ... ... Hi! 'Ganesh The Warrior' is in watercolor and pencil, drawn on hot pressed 300gsm paper. This is my second watercolor painting ever! I know right? I hear the gasp too. :) ... ... My first watercolor painting is here. Well, you can actually call this my first watercolor painting because it doesn't use any other medium to enhance any part of the artwork. I did use a regular mechanical pencil to add shading to the weapons. I have always been more inclined to sketching or using oil pastels (that's my jam, by the way) or any forms of inks or pencils. I have always been more inclined to sketching or using oil pastels (that's my jam, by the way) or any forms of inks or pencils. Now, I am trying to explore watercolor, and painting in general, because I want to learn more. After watching countless videos and artists with mad skeelz wielding a paintbrush, I have been trying to think in color and not just lines. T...